Thursday, 27 December 2018

Tale of More Warlords: It's Pledge Time!

The time has come! For an idea that's been circulating now for a little over a month, the moment has been both incredibly slow in coming and arrived almost immediately after suggesting it. #TaleOfMoreWarlords over on Twitter has a fair few regular posts attached to it and people seem pretty keen to get started and really get stuck into some Christmas presents and old projects that've been languishing on the pile for much too long. In part, that's served as the inspiration for what I'm going to try and tackle as the year starts out - a combination of something old and something new.

I've agonized over what to try and get done when it occurred to me that, in actual fact, I could do multiple things. I could make it a proper challenge! Once upon a time I painted a 1000pt Ultramarine army in a week, so what's to say I couldn't do that again? I've got two months to get something cool done and I figure if I'm trying to headline this event in some way, I better put my money where my mouth is and finish something big! I doubt my finished product is going to look the best (there are some remarkably talented people already hinting at what they'd like to do!) but what I can't match in quality, I'm going to make up in quantity!

So, between 1st of January and 1st of March 2019, my pledge for Tale of More Warlords is this:
  • A 1000pt Adepta Sororitas army in the heraldry of the Order of the Bloody Rose.
  • A 1000pt Crimson Fists army.
  • An Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team.
  • A special character for one of these three choices - undecided, yet! - as a centrepiece.

We're going in and we're going in full throttle! I've done it before and there's no reason I can't do it again, particularly with a bunch of Sisters of Battle that I don't actually have to spend time assembling. All they need is a primer spray and I can get started! 

Remember that your pledge needn't be Games Workshop related or even anything new at all - as long as you've got a goal in mind for the end of the first two months of 2019, feel free to share what you've got in mind and what you'd like to accomplish. I know a fair few folks are going to be using it as an opportunity to #MarchForMacragge (and #MarchOnMacragge for its Chaotic and Xenos counterpart!) and others have mentioned Malifaux gangs, SAGA warbands, and more...

I hope everybody had a great holiday period and we're all looking forward to getting some models painted and on the table! Good luck, one and all, and have fun. Remember to keep posting updates and progress over on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube with the #TaleOfMoreWarlords hashtag. :D

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